An OSHA visit is inevitable

when they get there,
what will they find?

Running a small manufacturing business puts a lot on your plate, and sometimes safety takes a backseat; It can feel impossible to keep up.

Perhaps that’s why the average OSHA inspection.
costs between $35k-$95k in penalties.

Even knowing this, it’s hard to take action.
How do you fix the problems you haven’t discovered yet?

Thankfully there’s SafetyScan+, a service that not only tells you what violations OSHA will find – it also gives you a full roadmap to resolving the issues.

Book A SafetyScan+ Inspection Today


SafetyScan +

  • Using the same metrics as OSHA, we perform a ‘mock inspection’ on both your facility and safety programs.

  • Hidden risks are revealed in our OSHA fine liability estimate.

  • Reports are ready the same day & presented alongside a Q&A consultation.

  • 100% GUARANTEE:
    If you’re not satisfied, get your money back.

  • No Ongoing Commitment –
    This is a one-time inspection (unless you want more help)


  • It’s all possible through our proprietary technology called Safety-Trac, which our expert uses to assist their inspection.

  • It allows for quicker, more detailed reporting that’s 100% accurate every single time. It also reduces turn-around time.

More than just a report.

  • After the inspection, all SafetyScan findings are locked and loaded into the app.

  • You’ll get a headstart with step-by-step instructions and all the resources you need to achieve total compliance. That’s the “+” part of SafetyScan+

It costs 75% less than one “Serious” citation (inspections usually see 5-10) so you’ll likely end up saving money. Whether you want a mock inspection, a DIY implementation tool, or hands-on assistance, we now have options for every need.

Book A SafetyScan+ Inspection Today