OSHCON Cannot Manage Your OSHA Compliance

This is our next blog post in our series about common OSHA compliance mistakes and misconceptions made by small companies which can lead to major problems.

This involves the mistaken idea that OSHCON can somehow manage a company’s OSHA compliance.  We routinely hear companies tell us that they utilize OSHCON consulting services, and are therefore compliant and don’t need additional help.

Companies who make this assumption/mistake put themselves at risk for huge fines and penalties, and their employees at risk for serious injuries and accidents.

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • No Mandate For Compliance:  OSHCON has no requirement to get their clients OSHA compliant.  They can only offer recommendations, but then it’s up to the company to follow through.
  • 1 Inspection per Year:  They are only required to conduct 1 inspection and report per year and the fact is that the quality of their inspections and reports are totally dependent on the dispatched consultant.  We’ve heard a wide range of feedback from fantastic to lousy.  It’s also important to keep in mind that companies must implement all recommended corrective actions within 2 weeks or put themselves at risk for follow up enforcement.  To add to these challenges, companies must then continue to manage those requirements on an ongoing basis, but this is exactly what most companies struggle with and fail to do!
  • OSHCON only Offers Generic On-Line & Library Health & Safety Resources:  Clients are given access to very generic resources such as training videos, safety program templates, etc.. that don’t address the specific hazards and issues that the company might have.  Never forget that in order to manage OSHA compliance, each company must develop customized documents, safety training and procedures to address company specific health and safety hazards.  Don’t get me wrong, these resources are better than nothing, but they’re generic and someone at your company still needs to determine which apply, and then update and customize them in order to maintain compliance.  OSHCON cannot and will not do that for you.


Another major misconception is that OSHCON can protect clients from OSHA inspections.  Again, this is simply not true.

Don’t get me wrong, OSHCON is a great resource, but don’t confuse it with “OSHA compliance,” because your company cannot “outsource” this responsibility to them.

Really, they’re nothing more than a good starting point because managing health and safety is still up to your company.

Stop Worrying About Your OSHA Compliance & Take Action Now.

We’ve Helped Many Companies Achieve OSHA Compliance & Can Help Yours Too!