OSHA Texas Compliance Basics

OSHA Compliance For Texas Companies Many business owners and executives feel overwhelmed by OSHA regulations, and complain that they and their staff are just too busy and lack the time, resources and expertise to properly manage everything.  That may be true, but OSHA doesn’t care nor does it give “passes,” even to small companies. This dictum from OSHA’s website says it all: Who’s OSHA anyway?  OSHA, or the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, was created in 1971 and is a division [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:51:15-05:00February 24th, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA Texas Compliance Basics

OSHA Fall Protection Compliance & Liabilities for TX Construction Companies

Why did we decide to publish this blog post? Construction Falls Continue to Seriously Injure & Kill Workers & Result In Significant Fines for Texas Employers Falls Continue to be the #1 Killer at Construction Sites & Result in Significant Fines & Penalties for Employers This post provides a valuable reminder to Texas construction companies of their OSHA Fall Protection obligations, and liabilities associated with failing to do so.  Small Texas construction companies often struggle to understand and manage these [...]

By |2022-10-19T18:55:34-05:00February 12th, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA Fall Protection Compliance & Liabilities for TX Construction Companies

OSHA COMPLIANCE: TRIR & DART – 2 Key Safety Metrics You Need To Know

Checkout our new video explaining everything you need to  know about OSHA's TRIR & DART In this blog post, we'll define and discuss two critical safety performance metrics that you need to understand in order to maintain OSHA compliance, reduce workplace injuries, and reduce the risk for OSHA fines and penalties and enforcement inspections: - TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate - DART: Days Away from work, days of Restricted work activity, and/or days of jobs Transfer Why [...]

By |2022-07-20T12:09:24-05:00January 29th, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on OSHA COMPLIANCE: TRIR & DART – 2 Key Safety Metrics You Need To Know

Hazardous Waste Management-Manifesting Requirements

The purpose of the Hazardous Waste Manifest is to track hazardous waste from the generator site until it reaches the facility where it will be stored, treated or disposed of.   The Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest is a form that is required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) for all generators, regardless of their generator status, who transport hazardous waste to an off-site facility for recycling, storage, treatment or disposal. The waste manifest is [...]

By |2020-08-10T16:08:10-05:00January 6th, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on Hazardous Waste Management-Manifesting Requirements

Environmental Consulting Austin Texas

Environmental consciousness is increasingly important in the business and manufacturing world, but the regulations you need to follow can be complex and overwhelming. Just the same, you know you need to be proactive about your environmental, health, and safety (EHS) programs in order to keep pace in your industry. What do you do when the expense of a full-time environmental compliance specialist is out of your reach? A partnership with Berg Compliance Solutions can solve your EHS planning and [...]

By |2019-07-30T14:43:47-05:00December 30th, 2015|Good To Know|Comments Off on Environmental Consulting Austin Texas

Safety Career Opportunity Austin, TX

Staff Level EHS Consultant Position, Austin, TX Senior and Staff Level EHS Consultant Positions in Austin, TX We are currently seeking experienced and qualified individuals who understand OSHA rules, regulations and standards as they apply to general industry and construction activities, and are able to apply this knowledge to train and consult with our customer base.  Ideally, the individual also possesses environmental compliance experience as it relates to hazardous waste management/RCRA, Storm Water Pollution Prevention, and Air Permit rules & regulations.  DOT compliance [...]

By |2015-12-18T18:05:09-05:00December 18th, 2015|Good To Know|Comments Off on Safety Career Opportunity Austin, TX