TCEQ Environmental Compliance Fines & Penalties

  Many small Texas manufacturers struggle with understanding and managing their EPA and TCEQ environmental compliance obligations. This puts them at risk for major regulatory fines and penalties, not to mention putting their local communities at risk for environmental damage. Some common environmental compliance requirements for Texas manufacturers include Storm Water permitting, Air permitting and authorizations, Hazardous Waste Management and hazardous materials reporting. Many small Texas manufacturers are totally unaware of these requirements, let alone how to manage them. Here's [...]

By |2021-10-26T13:53:06-05:00May 1st, 2016|Good To Know, Government Regulation, Hazardous Waste Management, Texas Environmental Regulations, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations|Comments Off on TCEQ Environmental Compliance Fines & Penalties

Texas Environmental Compliance Fines & Penalties

Many small Texas manufacturers struggle with understanding and managing their TCEQ and environmental compliance obligations.  This puts them at risk for major regulatory fines and penalties, not to mention putting their local communities at risk for environmental damage. Some common environmental compliance requirements for Texas manufacturers include Storm Water permitting, Air permitting and authorizations, Hazardous Waste Management and hazardous materials reporting.  Many small Texas manufacturers are totally unaware of these requirements, let alone how to manage them. Here's a summary of potential environmental fines and penalties that [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:51:50-05:00May 1st, 2016|Hazardous Waste Management, Texas Environmental Regulations, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations|Comments Off on Texas Environmental Compliance Fines & Penalties

Environmental & TCEQ Compliance Risks

Many small Texas manufacturers really struggle to manage environmental and TCEQ rules, regulations and laws. Unfortunately this not only puts the environment and local community at risk, but also the company at risk for major TCEQ and EPA environmental fines and penalties that can run into the $hundreds of thousands of dollars, and can exceed a $million in some cases. We recently conducted a brief environmental assessment for a Texas manufacturer and identified the following compliance failures and risks.  This summary [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:46:32-05:00April 26th, 2016|Hazardous Waste Management, Texas Environmental Regulations, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations|Comments Off on Environmental & TCEQ Compliance Risks

How To Classify RCRA Empty Industrial Waste Containers

How to Classify and Dispose of Empty 55 Gallon Drums and Barrels Sooner or later, most manufacturers and related businesses begin to accumulate empty 55 gallon drums, or other waste containers.  These empty barrels typically contained oil, fuel or other chemicals or raw materials prior to being emptied. Regardless of the source, they often begin to pile up at the facility causing an eyesore and environmental hazard, forcing the company to take action to dispose of them. But how do [...]

By |2024-08-11T18:29:33-05:00March 13th, 2016|Good To Know, Hazardous Waste Management, Texas Environmental Regulations|Comments Off on How To Classify RCRA Empty Industrial Waste Containers