Recent OSHA General Duty Clause & Other Unusual Citations

We continually monitor recent actual OSHA citations in Texas to learn more about what compliance officers look for when conducting OSHA inspections and how it could impact our clients, who are always on the lookout for ways to improve workplace safety and avoid OSHA fines and penalties. In addition to issuing citations for violations of 1910 (General Industry) and 1926 (Construction) standards, OSHA also has a "catchall" called the General Duty Clause which allows compliance officers to issue fines [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:50:51-05:00September 16th, 2016|OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations|Comments Off on Recent OSHA General Duty Clause & Other Unusual Citations

Can OSHCON Manage Your OSHA Compliance?

OSHCON Cannot Manage Your OSHA Compliance This is our next blog post in our series about common OSHA compliance mistakes and misconceptions made by small companies which can lead to major problems. This involves the mistaken idea that OSHCON can somehow manage a company's OSHA compliance.  We routinely hear companies tell us that they utilize OSHCON consulting services, and are therefore compliant and don't need additional help. Companies who make this assumption/mistake put themselves at risk for huge fines and [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:52:36-05:00August 12th, 2016|OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations|Comments Off on Can OSHCON Manage Your OSHA Compliance?

Can Your Insurance-Workers Compensation Carrier Manage Your OSHA Compliance?

I routinely hear companies tell us that their insurance company, or Workers Compensation carrier, is managing all of their OSHA compliance requirements. This is a very common and dangerous misconception among small manufacturers and other industrial businesses with many health and safety hazards which put their employees in harms way. I actually have extensive past experience as the owner of an energy contracting business trying to utilize our workers compensation carrier as our primary safety resources.  It was a [...]

By |2022-03-21T12:51:14-05:00August 11th, 2016|OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations|Comments Off on Can Your Insurance-Workers Compensation Carrier Manage Your OSHA Compliance?

Common Texas Environmental Compliance Requirements

Many small Texas manufacturers don't necessarily understand which EPA and TCEQ environmental and hazardous materials compliance regulations apply to their operations, let alone how to manage them. Here's a very quick summary of some of the basic environmental and hazardous materials rules that apply to a typical Texas manufacturer. Environmental Compliance Requirements Include: Hazardous Waste Management: Virtually all manufacturers generate some type of hazardous wastes, including spent chemicals, paints, batteries and more. Manufacturers must first complete Waste Determinations for all [...]

By |2021-10-26T12:36:21-05:00August 9th, 2016|Hazardous Waste Management, OSHA Health & Safety, Texas Environmental Regulations, Texas Hazardous Materials Regulations|Comments Off on Common Texas Environmental Compliance Requirements

Outsourced EHS Compliance Services

Many companies lack the internal expertise, time and resources needed to manage environmental, health and safety compliance and often assign the responsibility to inexperienced staff who lack the qualifications to keep up. This is a major, but very common mistake which can lead to all kinds of problems including failed OSHA and EPA inspections, huge fines, serious injuries, damage to the environment, lost customers and more. However, keeping up with complex OSHA, EPA and TCEQ regulations, monitoring job sites for hazards, training [...]

By |2021-08-01T17:47:18-05:00August 8th, 2016|OSHA Texas Laws & Regulations, Texas Environmental Regulations|Comments Off on Outsourced EHS Compliance Services

How To Enforce Safety In The Workplace

Internal Company OSHA Enforcement & Accountability This is one of the most critical elements of your OSHA compliance program, because failure to consistently enforce your safety program seriously undermines and compromises the entire process. This may sound like a stretch, but it’s true. Refer to OSHA’s dictum noted on their website which states that every employer is required by law to “Provide a Safe & Health Workplace.” In other words, your company can literally have [...]

By |2023-05-02T16:19:18-05:00August 4th, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on How To Enforce Safety In The Workplace