Is It Time For OSHA To Tackle The NFL?

Is It Finally Time for OSHA to Start Holding The NFL Accountable for Player Health & Safety Issues? In the spring of 1977 my family and I packed up and moved from Albuquerque, New Mexico to begin a new life in a middle class, suburban neighborhood just southeast of Denver, Colorado.  Soon after arriving we learned that the Denver Broncos headquarters wasn’t far away, and that a few Bronco players actually lived in our new neighborhood.  This was way back before [...]

By |2017-12-17T22:11:43-05:00November 1st, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on Is It Time For OSHA To Tackle The NFL?

How To Enforce Safety In The Workplace

Internal Company OSHA Enforcement & Accountability This is one of the most critical elements of your OSHA compliance program, because failure to consistently enforce your safety program seriously undermines and compromises the entire process. This may sound like a stretch, but it’s true. Refer to OSHA’s dictum noted on their website which states that every employer is required by law to “Provide a Safe & Health Workplace.” In other words, your company can literally have [...]

By |2023-05-02T16:19:18-05:00August 4th, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on How To Enforce Safety In The Workplace

Hiring An In-House Environmental, Health & Safety Manager Doesn’t Necessarily Result In Compliance

The title and subject of this blog post may come as a surprise to some readers, but certainly not all of you. The fact is, it’s often true that companies who choose to hire an in-house EHS manager subsequently fail to achieve nor maintain regulatory compliance. This scenario is especially true among small companies, which will be the focus of this blog post. All too often, once small businesses come to the realization that they need EHS compliance help, [...]

By |2021-10-21T22:22:04-05:00June 16th, 2016|Good To Know, OSHA Health & Safety|Comments Off on Hiring An In-House Environmental, Health & Safety Manager Doesn’t Necessarily Result In Compliance

Hiring A Safety Manager Is Hard!

What follows is the first part of a two part blog post: The first one will discuss the difficulties involved in recruiting and hiring a qualified safety manager, and the follow up post will discuss the fact that even if your company succeeds in making a hire, it won’t necessarily guarantee that your company will become nor maintain OSHA compliance. Both posts are based on my own experiences recruiting and managing EHS managers,  as well as my experiences in [...]

By |2024-11-15T13:04:49-05:00May 12th, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on Hiring A Safety Manager Is Hard!

New OSHA Confined Space Requirements for Construction

Many Texas construction companies are still unprepared, and some even unaware, to deal with OSHA's updated compliance requirements for confined space entry.  These new requirements put significant responsibilities not only on companies who execute confined space entries, but also on General Contractors who are obligated to ensure the health & safety of their projects. Here's a brief summary of the key new OSHA Confined Space requirements: The following information applies to the construction industry standard for confined space, which can [...]

By |2021-08-13T13:17:24-05:00May 1st, 2016|Good To Know|Comments Off on New OSHA Confined Space Requirements for Construction