Why Should Your Company Consider an Environmental Compliance Audit?

EPA and TCEQ mandate that Texas manufacturers implement and manage a long list of environmental and hazardous compliance regulations.

Understanding and managing environmental compliance can be overwhelming, especially for small companies who often lack the resources, time and expertise needed to keep up.

Regardless of these challenges, companies must act or face serious consequences including major fines and penalties, PR problems, and risk damaging their local community and the environment.

Texas manufacturers who are unsure about their TCEQ and EPA environmental regulatory compliance condition should seriously consider conducting an environmental compliance audit.

A comprehensive environmental audit should address the following local, state, and federal compliance programs governing:

    • Air, Permit by Rule, New Source Review and Title V Air Permits
    • Water,
    • Industrial Waste (hazardous and non-hazardous), RCRA
    • Storm Water, SWPPP
    • Transportation (DOT),
    • Chemical Inventories,
    • Reporting,
    • Refrigerants,
    • Hazard Communication and
    • The Toxic Substances Control Act

In our experience conducting environmental audits, the most common violations include:

  • Hazardous Waste: Satellite accumulation area (SAA) and main accumulation area (MAA) maintenance and training not current
  • Lack of up-to-date chemical inventories and Safety Data Sheets
  • Storm water training/inspections/sampling out of date or not completed
  • DOT and RCRA training for employees signing chemical waste manifests outdated
  • Universal waste (batteries, thermostats, fluorescent lights, etc.) – storage, signage, collection not sufficient

For companies who may have been operating out of compliance for years, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) offers a fantastic incentive program called the Texas EHS Audit Privilege Act.  This program provides complete indemnity from fines and penalties for companies who participate and meet all requirements.  Learn more about the Texas Environmental, Health & Safety Audit in this free webinar.

Our Texas environmental consulting services include conducting environmental compliance assessments in the most comprehensive and cost effective manner possible and we have helped many small companies navigate the TX EHS Audit Privilege Act with great success.

Frequently, we conduct audits under the Texas Environmental Health & Safety Audit Privilege Act in order to protect our clients from environmental fines and penalties.

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